Gödence Bardacık

Fig is the second fruit mentioned in the holy books after the olive. Bardacık is the fresh and freshly consumed fig. It is a very special fruit. It is known that it was mostly found in the gardens of the Levantines from Buca and Urla in the 1900s.
Bardacık is a very rich source of potassium. The sugar rate is slightly lower than other fig varieties. It facilitates the work of our intestines.
The establishment of the first bardacık plantations in Kızıldağlar and Gödence dates back to 1980s. Ege University Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. Atıf Atilla made great contributions to the establishment of bardacık plantations.


It does not lose its nutritional value because it is prepared by slicing ripe bardacık figs and drying them in the sun. It is very rich in sodium, potassium and calcium. As a natural and nutritious snack, it will give you fullness and pleasure.



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Gödence Tarımsal Kalkınma Kooperatifi

Seferihisar / İzmir



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