Gödence Herbal Teas and Health Products

We collect and process the useful, usable plant wealth deep in the Kızıldağlar. We offer it to our consumers as herbal tea and spice. Lavandula stoechas  , thyme, mint, sumac…

Lavender oil

Lavender oil is obtained by filling lavender flowers into olive oil in special 10-liter containers with 0.3 oleic acid values and fusing them with each other for a period of 5 months. This oil is a skin repair master. Use it on your face, hands and scalp and you will see the difference after a while.

Zahter Thyme

It is the natural, medicinal vegetation of Kızıldağ. It has a much sharper odor and aroma.






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Seferihisar / İzmir



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The photos are form the archive of GÜNDAŞ ADVERTISING (Gündaş Reklam) and belong to Mustafa GÜNDAŞ. All rights reserved.
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