News and Announcements

Gödence Celebrated its 50th Anniversary in Cooperatives.

Gödence Agricultural Development Cooperative, which has an important place in the Turkish Agricultural Cooperative Movement celebrated its 50th Anniversary. GÖDENCE DOCUMENTARY movie was watched in the 50th Anniversary of İzmir Cooperative Movement which is filmed and prepared by Nilgün-Ramadan Emiroğlu and performed by Macit Sonkan. The 22nd National Agricultural Achievement Awards, which could not be held due to virus pandemic bans, found their owners. As always, Gödence hosted its distinguished guests. Chairman Kokulu pointed about future in his speech.






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Gödence Tarımsal Kalkınma Kooperatifi

Seferihisar / İzmir



© 2023 Gödence Agricultural Development Cooperative

The photos are form the archive of GÜNDAŞ ADVERTISING (Gündaş Reklam) and belong to Mustafa GÜNDAŞ. All rights reserved.
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